Saturday, 22 October 2016

The Donald and Hilary show

The Don and Hilary show

In a couple of weeks the United States of America will be asked to vote for the new President of their country. It is perhaps the most unenviable choice the United States has ever faced. In one corner we have Hilary Clinton, allegedly one of the most unreliable and corrupt politicians the Americans have ever had.

Clinton is, according to some ardent American observers, one of the most scheming, deceitful and conniving politicians America have ever had. To all outward appearances she looks respectable and trustworthy but dig into her recent CV and the skeletons continue to rattle in her cupboard.

There are the missing e-mails, the shady business deals behind the scenes and that rather disturbing air of cloak and dagger secrecy. There are the ever present hidden agendas and embarrassing flaws in Clinton's character. Above all the wife of the now notorious Bill, has yet to win the hearts and minds of the American public.

There are rumblings of discontent and worrying signs that all is not as it should be in the Clinton camp. Of course our Hilary looks glamorous and presentable but for all her on screen assurance and all of the positive noises, there can be little doubt that Clinton will have to mount the most astonishing charm offensive to win the Presidency.

Her opponent is of course one Donald Trump. Now this is where all sensible politics and intelligent thinking shuffles off the stage and giggles uncontrollably. Trump, it has to be the most ridiculous and  comical figure ever to appear on any political stage. The statements, to date, are hilarious and his behaviour borders on the laughably outrageous.

At this moment you're reminded of the 1980s American soap opera Dallas where JR, that evil manipulator sniggered under his breath and revelled in others misfortune. Comparisons can often be misleading but when Trump walks onto the stage and opens his mouth, any resemblance to Larry Hagman may well be merely coincidental.

Donald Trump has done his utmost best to upset both women and anybody that either moves or speaks. Allegedly he is the most sexist, racist and most revolting man any of us can ever recall, He's antagonised women, Mexicans and most of the universe. But then again he may well be the most adorable and engaging human being ever to walk the Earth. Perhaps he's the most exemplary family man, a decent and honourable alpha male, a pillar of the community and a credit to both his wife, children and his surrounding entourage. But for all the world this is the not the way it seems to be.

Still he sneers, snarls, pouts and generally gives the impression of a  the man who thinks he knows it all. To even the most impartial on looker he may be the most tactless and recklessly opinionated man ever to darken the corridors of American politics. Trump, his critics may tell you, talks unadulterated twaddle and the air of potty mouthed ignorance may just drag the American people down to the lowest of all depths.

Still America still has Hilary to fall back on by way of a consolation prize. Hilary Clinton, although probably the best of the most appalling bunch, waits in the wings for what seems the inevitable Novemeber victory. It's at times like this that the memory goes back to Nixon and Kennedy, Ford and Carter, Reagan and Bush senior and junior and finally Barak Obama. Rarely has America needed a greater sense of direction and leadership. Rarely has America needed a miracle. It is hard to know whether either Trump or Clinton will answer their country's prayers.

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Joe Morris

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