My Christmas message- My plea to end all of the bloodshed and hate. Let their be peace for ever more.
I know. You've probably heard this message a million times throughout the decades and centuries but I think it's time to offer my end of year message, my heartfelt plea for peace, stability, a concerted attempt to end war for ever more. Surely it has to end once and for all. It's time to put down arms, guns, bombs, artillery, missiles, rockets and try to get on with each other. It's time to end the naked hostility, the barbaric bloodshed, the savage and sickening pain, the outrageous aggression and murder, the calculated hostility, the bloodthirsty brutality, the anger, the endless hatred and division.
Now of course I'm a pathetic, lily livered pacifist but here's my personal Christmas message to the world. Please please there can be no future for humanity and civilisation if we continue to attack each other. There must be an end to this continuous escalation of violence on a monumental scale, this relentless bombardment of shells and grenades and the death of millions of families and children on quite the most obscene scale. I know I'm a subdued voice in the darkness but there has to be a solution to this vile and despicable regime of terror, this sickening genocide, this appalling suffering. Is there anybody out there who can watch this constant attack on our civil liberties without pleading for something better? Do we have to live in fear of forces that are completely beyond us? Next year has to be the year when we all wake up one morning and just shake the hand of eternal friendship.
This is not a bitter condemnation of any terrorist network because that would be a pointless exercise. But for what it's worth I think it's time for all the most influential prime ministers, presidents, foreign secretaries and powerful governmental voices to flex their muscles. Once and for all. It must stop please. Please I must speak for everybody around the world when I think it's fairly obvious that we have to stop this. There has to be room for discussion, negotiation and agreement because if we don't rally together then the future of the vast loveliness that is the world will no longer have any kind of viable future. I think I speak on behalf of the universe when I say that global conflict and evil savagery has to be stop for the sake of mankind.
The events in Berlin yesterday. Paris and Nice this year have only served to reinforce the sheer futility of it all. Now I'm no benevolent humanitarian and I can have no influence in the highest of political circles but this is sheer madness. This is not the answer to settle old scores, but it is time to rebuild broken religious bridges, to heal wounded animosities, to aggravate old injuries, to make life impossible and unbearable.
I would like to say here that this is not a party political broadcast, nor is it the voice of wishful thinking but this has to be a time for agreement, consensus, reconciliation. We've seen the graphic documentary images, the daily news bulletins that have been almost unspeakably horrid and harrowing. Some of us can barely bring ourself to watch the wasted lives, the torn hearts, the weeping mothers, the sobbing fathers, the extended families who can only look on with absolute horror. It is just the most ruthless of all violations, a lasting threat to our freedoms, possibilities and opportunities.
Their lives are now over, wiped out by the fist of terror, the raucous shriek of missiles, the shuddering force of tank and military invasion that so criminally scar the global landscape. When the smoking and charred ruins of shops, restaurants, hotels, houses and all properties are cleared maybe somebody will come forward to just heal this festering resentment, this age old bitterness. Is their a voice of sanity out there? Please come forward.
Will Germany's prime minister Angela Merkel, prime minister Theresa May, American president elect Donald Trump, quite possibly Russian supremo Vladimir Putin please try to bash heads together, reaching positive and constructive conclusions, eliminating all dictatorships and tyrannies. We all have to sing from the same hymn sheet even though that may begin to sound like a tired cliche.
Over 40 years ago a distinguished gentleman and peace broker by the name of Henry Kissinger stepped forward onto the world stage. When the Middle East crisis was at its height, Kissinger was the man who intervened quite decisively when all seemed lost. He,single handledly. or so it seemed, brought the whole of the Middle East together and did his utmost to bring sanity and peace. His mission was an admirable one and in the cold light of day Kissinger may sleep with perfect comfort knowing that he did his utmost to achieve that objective. And to Kissinger the world offers its eternal gratitude.
So although I may be a lone voice in the wilderness, the world implores that commonsense and rationality come forward and introduce themselves. It is time to remember and never forget both the First and Second World War, Vietnam, Suez, the IRA and so many more aching atrocities. But now the battlegrounds and gruesome theatres of war have have to become ancient history and people have to live in simple harmony. to be united. This never endingly depressing sequence of fatalities have to be the last. His wish may have been fondly uttered but to quote John Lennon all those decades ago. Please give peace us a chance for the sake of humanity. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah everybody.
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