Monday, 4 February 2019

My first children's book called Ollie and His Friends.

My first children's book called Ollie and His Friends.

Calling all parents and grandparents! My first children's book called Ollie and His Friends is now available at Lulu publishing and shortly on an Amazon page near you. I can't say anything about Ollie and His Friends because it's a lovely surprise and besides I'd be spoiling it for everybody else. Suffice it to say that Ollie and His Friends is cute, charming and happy ever after but then you'd hardly expect me to say anything else.

So here it is folks my first venture into the world of the children's book, a simple tale about musical instruments with human emotions going out with their family on a day out to the local village fete where they get up to all kinds of fun. It was a book that had to be written because all of us dwell on our childhood and summon all kinds of memories. Inwardly, we hark back to those nostalgic days of bike riding, favourite childhood TV programmes, eating loads of sweets and then perhaps regretting it, generally believing that we were somehow invincible and nothing would hurt us.

Childhood was great because most of us thought it would last forever and everything would be the same regardless of circumstances. You could play football in the back streets until summer evenings eventually turned dark. We all have  wistful reminiscences about our very young years and Ollie and His Friends is designed for those toddlers and little people who loved to be told a bedtime story by mum and dad, grandma and grandpa, auntie and uncle, cousin and niece.

So here is Ollie and His Friends, a story for the children who, before they lay their head on the pillow at night, wait eagerly for their happy ever after story. Story telling to children, before they shut their eyes, is so vitally important because this is their world, their pleasant introduction into the world of make believe.

Oh before I forget to go, a quick reminder of my other books. You probably know what I'm going to say but here goes.

There's No Joe Bloggs, my life story about my parents, grandparents, my favourite movies, pop music stars, bands and singers, descriptions of London, pen portraits of football clubs such as Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United, Manchester City, Everton, Wolves, Ipswich Town, Leeds United and Spurs. It's about my childhood growing up in Ilford, Essex, my dad's fictitious journey to Las Vegas where he met Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack, famous TV celebrities and programmes from the 1960s and 1970s. No Joe Bloggs is still available at Amazon, Waterstones online, Foyles online and Books-A-Million online.

Then finally there's Joe's Jolly Japes, my social commentary book where I give you my take on England, the Chelsea Flower Show, the Henley Regatta, Polo on the playing fields of England, the England World Cup football team, the players and managers, the victories and defeats, British seaside resorts and West End department stores in the heart of London. Joe's Jolly Japes is available at Amazon, Waterstones online, Foyles online and Books-A-Million online.

But Ollie and His Friends is a children's book that I think you'll love. I heartily recommend it to your children and grandchildren. I'm sure they'll thank you a million times because it's a great read. Happy reading everybody.

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