Wednesday, 15 February 2017

No Joe Bloggs- my story.

No Joe Bloggs- my story.

No Joe Bloggs, my second book is my heartfelt, emotional life journey. It is all about the good and positive things that life has to offer. It is about my childhood, what happened to me during that childhood, the teenage years that went terribly wrong for me, my struggles during a very awkwardly painful adolescence, my parents, my grandparents, the wonderful neighbours I grew up with and the whole backdrop of my life that eventually blossomed with  a wonderfully loving and supportive family, wife, children and everybody who supported me during my traumatic year of the London Olympics.

 It is a happy ever after story but without the schmaltz although I have to tell you it is a triumphant book where the main character in yours truly finds that things can work out for the best. Life really did take a turn for the better and if anything else, No Joe Bloggs is about survival and my victory against the odds.

There are times in our life when we all need a shoulder to cry on and somebody to lean on when things just crumble in front of us and we can never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course I was shy, of course I was immature as a kid, of course I was lonely and of course I made all the wrong decisions.

But I've always maintained that we're all wired up very differently and that means that we're all very unique individuals. It was this very sense of isolation and alienation that set me apart from the kids of my generation. I had no idea that autism would take some time before it was properly diagnosed but in No Joe Bloggs you'll find out how I overcame my very personal battles against shyness, apartness and a complete lack of any communication or dialogue with the outside world.

No Joe Bloggs, is sad, happy, quirky, funny, humorous, an enormously descriptive read where language and description feature prominently and extensively. Books represent the ultimate in escapism, of literary adventure, words that tell us everything we need to know about the author. No Joe Bloggs is not a science fiction novel, nor is it some romantic tale, although I think some of the stories in my book do take you into some romantic place where sadness turns into jubilation.

No Joe Bloggs tells you about my dad and his wonderful relationship with the West End of London he just adored, descriptions of London that I feel sure you will enjoy immensely, my dad's imaginary holiday to Las Vegas with Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, Sammy Davis and my dad's all time hero Frank Sinatra. My dad goes to Las Vegas and plays American pool with all of those showbiz legends.

It is a book about my grandparents and mum as Holocaust survivors, the lives that were torn away from them during the bleakest and greyest years during the Second World War. Now this part is, I think a real tear jerker and very moving. But the underlying theme to this section is once again one of victory over adversity, success and happiness when everything goes wonderfully right.

So yes No Joe Bloggs is both tear jerking, moving, heartwarming, uplifting, funny, quirky, sad, happy, lyrically descriptive and another extremely entertaining read. I know you've read James Patterson, Lee Child, Stephen King, JK Rowling, Terry Pratchett, Dan Brown and all of those authors who take you into their world of imagination and excitement. But in No Joe Bloggs I tell you about my favourite movies, classic British TV shows, showbiz characters, my favourite music, the bands, singers, the memorable artists and everything that made you think, wonder and remember the 1950s, 1960s and 70s.

Well, if you fancy a read about an author with my story and my world and my imagination then my book No Joe Bloggs is definitely the book for you. You'll smile, giggle, laugh, cry and enjoy an author who tells it the way it was for him. It's a very personal, very sentimental, full of light and shade, light- hearted jokiness and frivolity. I would heartily recommend No Joe Bloggs because it's my personal observation on life, the world and everything that makes us smile.

If you want to find out more details about No Joe Bloggs you can find my You Tube video where I'll underline all the points I've made in my blog. No Joe Bloggs is currently available at Amazon, Waterstones online market place and Barnes and Noble online.

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